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Writer's pictureDr. Jake

For Chronic Headaches, Fatigue, & Pain - Here Is What Fuels Healing…


Chronic headaches, fatigue, and pain create big problems in people’s lives. Annoying, hard to work, easily get frustrated with others…the list goes on and on.

Perhaps the worst part is the lack of clarity about what to DO to make it go away to feel better.

But how often does someone look at HOW the body actually heals?

Mitochondria are in every cell of the human body, sometimes by the thousands. The are the bedrock of the energy production required for healing by the human body.

And guess what? For most people - the mitochondria are in a stressed state and are not able to do their job.

This week on the Quantum Chiropractor podcast - we learn about what mitochondria are, what they do, and how to support them.

Click HERE for a free mitochondrial assessment. If you have 3 or more listed, its very possible there is mitochondrial stress present.

Remember, the only thing that can heal your body is your body…and the mitochondria is a great place to start!

To your tremendous health,

Dr. Jake

P.S. Getting the support, plan, and accountability to move your health can be difficult. Click below for a free 30 minute phone call with a foundational wellness expert to find an easier path forward


Episode 9 Transcript:

Hey guys, welcome to episode number nine of the quantum chiropractor's podcast. My name is Dr. Jake Dots. Today we are talking about a super important idea because we've been talking about energy is so critical to go through the healing process for health and healing in general. And it's one of those things that's very underrated.

Um, maybe we'll get sick sometimes. And that's really the only time we think about it was like, man, I feel like I have no energy. I can't even get out of bed. And a lot of people have gotten to the point, though, where they're feeling like that on a more consistent basis, where it's like, I don't feel like doing anything, I have brain fog consistently, I've had pain that's been going on for 3, 6 months, 5, 10 years, and it's not getting better.

How come? A lot of times, energy is a currency that is underlying the answer to all of those questions. So what we're talking about today is something known as mitochondria. And this may bring back some nightmares from your high school biology class. And the name may sound familiar, may have heard of it, maybe you haven't.

Just real quick background, mitochondria is commonly known as the energy warehouse of your cell. So there's mitochondria in every single cell in the human body. And the more energy something requires, typically the more mitochondria it has in there. So things like your brain and your heart will have like thousands of mitochondria in just one cell.

So, it's a big deal, it's everywhere, it's in every single cell. Now, what we were always taught in high school biology is, so, mitochondria makes ATP, and ATP is kind of the energy that your body uses to get things done. And then you're on to the next chapter. So that's kind of the end of the conversation that was had for mitochondria.

This is a really hot area of research. There's a lot blown up here and they're finding that the rabbit hole goes way deeper than they initially thought. Um, cause they're running the calculations and they're like, well, if it was just up to mitochondria to only make ATP and it didn't do anything else, the body wouldn't be able to do all these other things.

So it's like the math isn't adding up. So what they're finding is mitochondria has some really other vital functions. First of all, it does make ATP, so that is critical. Your body does use that a lot for exchanging energy and doing metabolic processes. What they've also found is it's really important in something called redox.

So essentially your mitochondria is able to take these different byproducts and put certain tags on certain molecules. So it's kind of like a distribution warehouse. It's packaging, it's shipping, it's labeling, and it's making sure things are getting to the right places and they're interacting in the right way.

So if the mitochondria aren't working, your cell can find itself in disarray really quickly. Last big thing that they're finding for mitochondria is that it also does something called making structured water. Now, everyone thinks water is H2O and again that's what we're always taught and of course that is one of the forms of it.

Your body actually uses a different chemical structure of water. So H3O2 is called structured water. So it's a configuration of multiple water molecules coming together, sharing electrons, And essentially it operates as a super efficient battery pack within the body. And we'll be talking more about this, but the body uses electrons as its true energy currency.

So when work is getting done, when energy is being distributed throughout the body, it's happening through electrons. And structured water is the most efficient way to pass electrons in the body because of the way that it's set up. And so if your mitochondria are not producing structured water correctly, Again, a bunch of things come up and brain fog, not feeling like you have the energy to do things you want to do, feeling thirsty all the time.

These are big things that can come up with the mitochondria isn't functioning correctly. Now, the problem is for a lot of people, the mitochondria are in a state where they are not functioning correctly. So essentially your mitochondria have two basic programs that can run. They have their production mode.

So when they're feeling happy, when they're feeling good, they're doing what they want to do. They're doing what they're supposed to do. The other mode they have is protection. So if the mitochondria are feeling threatened, if they're feeling like they're not getting what they want to, if the nervous system is stressed, there's a bunch of ways this happens, but your body gets put into this protection mode and the mitochondria start bunkering up.

They become way less efficient, they stop putting out energy, they're not tracking and doing that redox signaling like they're supposed to, and it's not making structured water correctly. So this is where when people feel not good, it's usually not one thing. It's usually like, I'm just like 10 different things here.

It's like my digestion's off and I feel like crap and I'm not healing and I get headaches and my muscles are tight and like, am I broken or what? And if the major systems that support your body's healing and health are not in line, a lot of things are going to fall off track. And again, mitochondria is a really big piece of that.

So a couple of things that will interact and affect the mitochondria, a lot of us, especially for the lives that we live in today's day and age. One, a lot of us are stressed. So sometimes there's techniques that we can find to help us with that. Um, just sometimes recognizing that that is a layer that's affecting your health can be really important.

So if you're feeling stressed on a consistent basis. Any steps you can take towards awareness or finding tools that can help calm yourself down can go a really long way. Another thing is our artificial lighting that we use. So we've talked about this in previous episodes, but the blue light from our electronics, LED lights that we're using, they're a really intense light that has a tendency to put our body in a more stressed state.

So it kind of fries up the nerves and it really activates cortisol and gets the mitochondria in that protection mode. So, especially before sunrise and after sunset, making sure that you're becoming, uh, vigilant about the type of light that's hitting your eyes and your skin is really important also for mitochondrial health.

Uh, the flip side of that coin is we're not getting outside a whole lot, so the mitochondria also take a lot of cues from natural sunlight, and we're not really getting outside at certain points during the day, and we're not outside a whole lot. So, if you can get out into more natural sunlight to help reset the mitochondria, that's another really awesome way to go.

So, um, last thing is we, a lot of people do actually have a lack of electrons in your body. So the mitochondria factory is kind of waiting for electrons to come through and for a lot of people, there's not the gas in the tank, so to speak. Uh, we've talked about this on a previous episode as well, but grounding is an excellent way to restore, reset, reenergize your system and get electrons back in there.

So big takeaways from today. Our mitochondria are a huge part of your health and your healing. A lot of people are in that stress state and there's multiple layers that you can work on to help start peeling that back. So we're going to continue to build on this foundation, but I wanted to give you that framework and the understanding of how important the mitochondria are.

So looking forward to talking to you in future episodes and making sure we can keep that health moving forward in the right direction. Thanks guys.

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