Most people that I talk to with headaches, fatigue, and chronic pain tell me that they have had it for longer than 4 months and for many it has been going on for years.
That’s when I ask them if they know how quickly the body is designed to heal. I usually get a puzzled look.
It’s true. Bones and muscles are supposed to heal in about 8 weeks. Ligaments and tendons about 3-6 months.
We’ve gotten to the point where chronic symptoms have become so common that we are starting to think it’s “normal”.
It’s not.
In episode #3 of the Quantum Chiropractors podcast, I reveal the second root cause issue that gets missed ALL of the time that perpetuates people’s symptoms for way longer than necessary.
In tremendous health,
Dr. Jake
BTW - There is now an opportunity to have a 1-1 conversation with me. If you have direct questions about yourself it's as easy as clicking HERE.
Episode 3 Transcript:
Hey guys, welcome to episode three of the Quantum Chiropractor's Podcast. Now, I'm really excited to dive deep into this one because we're really finishing up the foundational conversations that we've been having. In our very first episode, we talked about people struggling with headaches, people struggling with fatigue, people struggling with chronic pain that's been going on for longer than four to six months, which is millions and millions of people in the United States right now.
Then there's often underlying root causes that have not been thoroughly looked at or thoroughly addressed or properly understood. And this is where so many people end up frustrated of, what do I do? Why am I not feeling better? Why am I not healing? In our last episode, we talked about the first root cause that gets missed all the time, which is our structure.
Our body needs to be in a good position if it's going to function and feel well. Now, the second root cause that gets missed all the time. That combined with structure accounts for as much as 90 percent of the underlying root cause issues that people are dealing with. We're going to be talking about energy burnout.
Now, just like the structure conversation, this conversation goes a lot deeper than what initially meets the eye. Because when people hear energy burnout, they think of, uh, like how much energy do I have throughout the day? Which can definitely be a part of this because most people do have some level of fatigue throughout the day.
Or they're finding that their energy is up and down and all over the place. So, what we're talking about though is at a much deeper level how your body makes energy, how your body keeps energy, and how well you can actually charge, recharge, and heal at night. So the whole conversation here guys is our body has two overlying basic functions or modes or programs that it runs.
The first is day mode. So, when day is happening, our bodies are designed to start to activate, they're designed to start to energize, they're designed to start to digest our food. So this is a master program, there's a lot of hormones involved, there's a lot of neurochemistry involved with how your brain turns certain things on, and how your body responds to that metabolically.
So that's one thing. The second program that your body runs is night mode. So, as nighttime approaches, your body is supposed to start winding down, it's supposed to start getting sleepy, we're supposed to enter sleep, and then we're supposed to start to heal and recharge. So human beings are very cyclical, we're built on that, and if you've ever missed a night of sleep, you know things don't go very well if we're not getting good balance between day mode and night mode.
So here's what happens though. Most people are raging on day mode way, way, way, way more than they should be. And it's not necessarily always a conscious decision and it's based on a combination of factors. So what I'm getting at is there's a lot of different things that tell our body if we should be clicking into day mode.
So it's the activities that we're doing, it's when and what we're eating, and it's our light environment. And there's a bunch of other things that play into it, but those are really important things to consider. So. For example, the light that's coming off of our electronic devices is a very intense, bright light.
So our body is designed to take in cues through our eyes and our skin. We have photoreceptor cells all over our body. And we're constantly being fed information to our brain of, Hey, should I be in day mode or should I be in night mode? So we get this really bright light from electronic devices. Our brain says, Oh, I guess it's daytime.
I'm getting this really bright light. And we start kicking into day mode. So this is just one example because we do something that seems pretty benign. Like we sit down and we've had a long day. We go to watch TV at night and boom, all of a sudden we got this big bright light. It's coming at us and I myself ended up in a really bad cycle with this.
I'd be really tired at the end of the day. It's like, man, I feel like I can't think about anything. I feel like I can't do anything. I'm just going to turn on the TV and chill out and relax. And that's the that's the story. I was telling myself like, hey, I need to relax. I'm so tired. Little did I know, boom, super bright light coming through my eyes, coming up my skin.
My brain is trying to go to rest and reheal. And then it's also in this game of tug of war where it's like, Oh, I need to be kicking into day mode. So this is just one example of many, many, many that come up in our day to day lives. And it's by nature of, there's a lot of things in our present day that were not even present 100 years ago, 150 years ago.
Our bodies are in a completely different situation. So what we're going to be talking a lot about moving forward is how do we get better balance between day mode and night mode? Because again, most people are completely raging on day mode. So not only does their day mode eventually burn out, but their night mode completely gets pushed to the side.
So what ends up happening is not only are you not generating energy well throughout the day, but you're not recharging at night. And people literally get to the point where their bodies are not in a good place to heal. The human body is supposed to heal pretty quickly. If there's been a chronic health issue or a symptom that's been going on for longer than three months, four months, six months, it's time to start digging our heels and looking hard at this.
It's really important. The cool part is as soon as you get some of these things back on track, you will be amazed at how well your body can heal. We've all been kind of told this lie of like, oh yeah, you're kind of supposed to feel like crap as you get older. Haha, I'm getting old. So yeah, that symptom is okay to hang out with.
Deep down, I think a lot of us know that that's not correct. So stay with me. I've seen amazing things for myself, the people I've worked with and my family. So I'm so excited to share these things as we move forward. So again, we're going to be talking more about how do we keep more of our energy, generate more energy and heal better at night so we can move past that root cause issue and make sure your body is an effective healer moving forward.
Stay tuned for future episodes. We're going to keep digging into this. You guys.