Many people have been dealing with chronic headaches, fatigue, or pain for longer than 6 months.
Yet when I ask them, has anyone evaluated HOW WELL IS YOUR BODY HEALING? - I usually just get a blank stare for a few moments.
We all understand that ultimately, the only thing that can heal your body is your body.
A real problem is that healing requires a lot of energy, and most people are not making/storing energy effectively in their body’s.
In episode #5 of the Quantum Chiropractors podcast, I introduce the actual game that you need to be playing when it comes to getting your healing back on track.
THAT is where the real magic is for getting your health back on track.
I’ll see you there!
To Your Tremendous Health,
Dr. Jake
Listen to this week's episode below or listen HERE.
Watch this week's episode below or watch HERE.
P.S. I am still inviting people into our office for $47 for a chance for a full evaluation and professional consultation (normally it’s $450). Click here to book your spot!
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Episode 5 Transcript:
Hello and welcome to episode number five of the Quantum Chiropractor's Podcast. My name is Dr. Jake Dodds and I'll be your host today. So today we are peeling back layers. We're talking about our second root cause issue. So again, what we've been dialoguing about here is that chronic health conditions have two root causes that get missed all the time.
We've talked about structure last week. This week, we're digging into our second root cause issue, which is energy burnout. Now this is such a foundational issue that it's almost so foundational that it gets missed. We take it for granted, but our body requires energy to do everything. And if you think about it, anything in the world that happens or any movement that happens in the entire universe takes energy yet when we're asking.
a question, an important question of how do I heal better or why is my body not healing? How many times do we look at, is my body making energy? Well, pretty much never. So all things in the body need energy and nowhere is that more true than your healing process. If your body's not making energy, storing energy efficiently.
You're simply not going to have the juice that's necessary to go through a good healing process. And again, the body is supposed to heal pretty quickly. So, muscles and bones, their tissue healing time is expected to be around 8 weeks. Ligaments and tendons are estimated between 3 to 6 months. Yet, most people that I work with, when I ask them how long you've been dealing with neck pain, how long you've been feeling fatigued, how long has your headaches or chronic pain been going on, I usually get months to years.
So how is that possible? Well, I see a lot of people internalize it like, oh, my body's broken. My body doesn't work. Other people heal. I don't. It's something wrong with me. And it gets internalized and it gets turned back on themselves. And I see it's really a shame because the truth of the matter is.
Nobody's body ever forgets how to heal. If you're born and you're alive, your body has the capacity to heal it. And it never forgets how to do that. Now, that being said, there's for sure obstacles in the way that can prevent your body from healing efficiently. And that's what we're getting into is this healing inefficiency is a huge root cause issue for people because most people's bodies are not healing efficiently.
Now, today we're going to talk about the two things that you actually need to heal and that your body has to have in place to be able to do that appropriately. The first is you have to have an effective circadian rhythm. Now, most people have heard this in conjunction with sleep, like how well do you sleep?
Uh, a lot of people's sleep is off where they have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep. Um, some people though are like, yeah, I fall asleep fine and I, you know, sleep six to eight hours. So I don't really feel like I have an issue with sleep. So I want to touch on this for a second because circadian rhythm goes a lot deeper than just how many hours you're asleep for.
Circadian rhythm really honors this idea that as human beings, we really have two distinct modes. As we have. So we have our day mode where we're activated and energizing and doing all the things and digesting our food. And then we have night mode where the body starts shutting down. And why does it do that?
So it can heal. So it pumps the brakes, slows everything down so it has the opportunity to heal. Now, in day mode, when we're activated in an energizing, that's largely directed by cortisol. So that's our activation hormone. Um, it's sometimes known as like the stress hormone. So it's been villainized a little bit.
It's, it's a very important part of our being as human beings. The problem is, I'm sure most of you have heard of adrenal fatigue. Adrenal burnout. So the lives that we live and the world that we live in is very cortisol dominant. So for most people, they end up burning way too much on cortisol, way too much in that day mode.
Night mode gets completely pushed to the side and then melatonin and sleep can't do what it needs to do. And melatonin, again, is often known as the sleep hormone. But what it also is, it's your master control hormone for sleep. It directs. Hundreds of different metabolic healing processes at night, and if you're not getting good amounts of melatonin, or if it's not coming in at the rig ht times, and if it's not in good balance with cortisol, then you're not healing effectively.
And again, this is where a lot of people get stuck, where chronic pain, chronic issues going on for months to years. So number one is we got to have an effective circadian rhythm. And today's the overview, so we are going to have future episodes about how to dive into these things specifically. The second thing that your body needs to heal though is cellular energy.
I'm going to throw out the term mitochondria. Some people have heard of this. Some people haven't. Some people are like, I heard of this one time in high school in biology class. So mitochondria is in every single cell in your entire body. And it's densest in the areas that need the most energy, which is your brain.
and your heart, uh, specifically. So it's, it's hugely important. Your body can't live without it. Everyone always talks about it. Making ATP is our energy source that is important. It also does a ton of other things that we're going to be talking about. What happens with mitochondria though, is they also have two modes.
They can either be in production mode where they're pumping out good energy and they're doing what they need to do, or they can be in protect mode. So if they're in an environment where they're feeling stressed. or they're feeling unsafe, it shuts down the program as well, and it bunkers up. So a lot of people also have poor mitochondrial function, and there is a lot of different reasons for that, and I promise we will get into that as well.
So between the two, though, when the mitochondria are not producing, your body doesn't have the energy to heal well. It cannot detox well, so we start to have this backup of things that aren't supposed to be there. And it also can't control inflammation well, which pretty much anyone with a chronic condition knows is a huge issue.
These are the players in the game. I really want you to understand most people are in energy burnout or that healing and efficiency stage. Their circadian rhythm is off the rails, or it's not in good balance and the mitochondria is not functioning effectively. So once we start to understand these things better, there's real workability in how to move forward and improve.
So stay tuned for future episodes. We're going to get into the how to and make sure you have a clear picture of how to move forward. Thanks.